Verity-Colleen Hoover

 Summary: Lowen is a writer when she decides to take a very big job. Jeremey, who is the husband of a bestselling author Verity, hired Lowen to finish writing books that his wife is no longer able to write because of an injury. When Lowen arrives at their house and starts digging through years of notes from Verity to find information to finish writing these books, she stumbles upon an autobiography that Verity tried to hide from everyone. Lowen doesn't tell Jeremey about the autobiography because she thinks it will make his grieving process even harder. She starts to get feelings for Jeremey, coming to a realization that she should tell him about the autobiography. Jeremey soon realizes that he can no longer love his wife Verity the same. 

This is a book I was very hesitant to read because I heard so many mixed reviews about it, but I'm so glad I decided to read it. I read so many reviews saying that this book with a little scary and had a lot of twists and turns it, and although it did it was such a good book that was so hard to put down. This book is very different from other ones that Colleen Hoover has written. I do think she could have gotten to the point of the book a bit faster but all the extra information she put in there made it worth it to get to the end of the book. 


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