Never Never- Colleen Hoover

 Summary: Never Never is about Charlie and Silas who have been best friends their whole lives. They have been in love since they were teens, but ever since this morning they are strangers to each other. Every memory they have with each other, they no longer remember. They are trying to trace back to everything and find out what happened to them. They quickly start to learn more about them as a couple, and quickly ask themselves why they were ever together to begin with. 

I have read almost every single one of Colleen Hoover's books and I think this one may be my least favorite. I am usually able to fly through her books and finish them within a few days, but for some reason this one took me awhile to get into. I felt like at some points it was just dragging on and could have gotten to the end faster. This book does really make you think though whether that be about your past, your relationships, etc. Although this was my least favorite it wasn't terrible and I have heard of a lot of people liking it, so I would recommend this to others I just think it wasn't a book for me. 


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